After weeks of sunshine, a very foggy and cold October day greeted Madeline and Curtis the morning of their intimate wedding in Boulder, CO. It was almost like the weather knew they were big fans of the Lord of the Rings series and wanted to give him some moody drama. After getting ready separately with their families, the couple met for a first look at their ceremony site, The Halfway House, under Boulder's Flatiron Mountains. With pups in tow, we went and explored the moody woods before making our way back to meet their families. After a champagne toast, Madeline's sister lead them through a hand-fasting ceremony, which is an ancient Celtic ritual in which the hands are tied together to symbolize the binding of two lives. The love and tears were flowing throughout! After the ceremony, everyone went across the street to the Flagstaff House Restaurant for an intimate dinner celebration accompanied by speeches. We love photographing small weddings like these and seeing close up the union of two people and their families. Wishing Madeline and Curtis a lifetime of happiness and Lord of the Ring references! A+ for the Gandalf pipe!